Twelfth International Conference on Future Energy - COFE12
“ Including research in new energy, propulsion, and bioenergetics - August 14-15, 2020 "
Integrity Research Institute, sponsor of COFE12, hosted a FREE two-day virtual conference via Zoom in the middle of the month on August 14-15, 2020 with an extra plenary 90-minute presentation on Saturday night August 15th at 5 PM. You may obtain a Collector's Souvenir COFE12 Two-DVD Set of the entire two-day presentations in MP4 at a special discount, for only $25.
COFE traditionally fulfills the mission statement of Integrity Research Institute to "research scientific integrity in the areas of energy, propulsion, and bioenergetics" so original presentations on those vital topics are presented on the topics of energy, propulsion, bioenergetics in a 45-minute slot.
Free admission for all participants through internet participation. Everyone clicked to REGISTER for one of the limited number of no-cost audience members with your computer, laptop, or smart phone. They then received one or two email reminders as the conference approaches with a special link that they simply clicked on to join the meeting! To prepare for this special FREE event, never before offered so conveniently to the public, please Download Zoom in the meantime to be ready to participate with "chat window," "raise hand," and a few Q&A audio sessions for the live presenters. We are using THE most popular webinar software on the internet today.
You may also visit our tinyurl/IRIYouTube webpage and use the links there to join the conference anytime during the 10 AM - 6 PM Friday and Saturday interval when we will be broadcasting the live COFE12 presentations. Otherwise, the livestream URL for Friday's entire COFE12 recording is at Friday Aug. 14 COFE12 so you can watch the videos in sequence for 8 hours online! Also, you can click here for the Saturday Aug. 15 COFE12 livestream and recorded videos now or anytime in the future [NOTE: We are currently disputing the History Channel blocked claim for copyright and they have 30 days to reply - buy the Two-DVD COFE12 Set instead]. Some of the presentations have been pre-recorded and others are live but all 8 hours of each day of the conference are in one YouTube online video, so fast forward to your desired presentation.
Keynote Speakers: Colonel Eric Felt, Director of AFRL Space Vehicles Directorate and Dr. Dean Radin, Chief Scientist, Noetics Institute. Register early as this conference(s) may sell out since ONLY 100 registrations are accepted for Zoom live streaming, with overflow to In addition, Ray Fleming is presenting on "Electrons, protons, and energy produced together from the zero-point field". We are also scheduling Dr. Thorsten Ludwig from Germany (future energy/ZPE/Casimir), Mike Gamble (inertial propulsion, formerly with Boeing), Dr. Ed Storms (formerly with Los Alamos Labs), Ray Fleming, William Alek, and more.

Click here for COFE12 Program (PDF)--Abstracts, Bio, Schedule and a note from Greta Thunberg
You may simply visit one of the YouTube links (we are still negotating the Saturday copyright issue and applying for permission to use a History channel footage in the Valone lecture video. Contact IRI for more info on the MP4 versions of the two day conference on DVD.)
Featured Speakers (some may record their presentation ahead of time):
* Mike Gamble "New Force Developments with Breakeven for Gyro Propulsion"
* Dr. Tom Valone "Climate Quantitative Discovery" and "Toward a Ufology Textbook"
* Ray Fleming "Electrons and Protons are Produced Together"
* Steve Hampton "Asymmetric Impulse Drive"
* Dr. Thorsten Ludwig "New Zero Point Energy"
* Louis Rancourt "Gravity Effects from Laser Light"(recorded)
* Dr. Dean Radin "The Resurrection of Magic" (Chief Scientist, Inst. of Noetic Sciences, webinar with Q&A)
* Paul Murad "Gravitation as a Rotational Field"
* Dr. Edmund Storms "Cold Fusion:From rejection as a fiasco to being the salvation of civilization"
* Col. Eric Felt "Space Solar Power Demo and Research" (Director of AFRL in Albuquerque's Space Vehicles Directorate)
Registration for COFE12 is now closed. More information for the live streaming conference event also has been announced in our Future Energy eNews broadcast email. Sign up for monthly FE eNews for free through Constant Contact. COFE12 was held on Friday and Saturday, August 14-15, 2020, from 10 AM EDT until 6 PM EDT with live remote internet presentations for the speakers' and attendees' education, health and well being.
Please NOTE: the annual ExtraOrdinary Technology conference has been postponed until August, 2021.
************** COFE11 Details from 2019 are below - DVDs are now available for all speakers from IRI ************
Eleventh International Conference on Future Energy - COFE11
“ Including the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference "
COFE11 had Dr. Bruce Cornet as a plenary speaker on Saturday night. Dr. Cornet is a PhD geologist who has had years of industrial research and academic teaching experience with a book on Unconventional Flying Objects.
The COFE11 confirmed Speaker biography, abstracts, and Schedule is posted here online and updated.
Mention "TTI" or "TeslaTech" for the conference discount rate. Confirmed and Invited Speakers are below.
* Dr. Brian Dailey "Biofield Imaging"
* David Rosignoli "Space Drive Replication Experiments"
* Dr. Thorsten Ludwig "Amazing Astronomical Discoveries of Russian Scientist Kozyrev"
* Dr. Robert Gray "Making Classical Electrodynamics Mathematically Consistent"
* Mike Gamble "Control Moment Gyro Experiment, Part 3"
* Dr. Bruce Cornet "Unconventional Aircraft and Their Performances, as Part of Disclosure of US Hardware Advancements"
* Judy Kosovich "The Dark Side of Solar Power"
* William Alek "Measuring the Operating Efficiency of Complex (Free Energy / Over-Unity) Transformers"
* Suzanne Price "Elements of an Emerging Scientific Paradigm Shift"
* Robert DeBiase "Propellantless Propulsion Based Upon Casimir Wedges"
* Dr. Paul LaViolette "Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion - book summary"
* Paul Murad "The Morningstar Energy Box- Part Redux"
* Dr. Jim Purvis "Capacitive-Discharge Electromagnetic Propulsion System - patented Nov 2018"
* Dr. Tom Valone "Energy Breakthroughs that Will Make a Difference"
Backup Speakers: Dr. Jacqueline Panting, Don Reed, Chris Orwoll

Note: You may also register at the TeslaTech website for their four-day conference and receive free admission to COFE11
Also, a Selected Papers from COFE 1-10 is also being published soon by with open access. In addition, will also be offering a hardcover edition of the "Selected Papers from the First Ten Conferences on Future Energy" in the near future, which will be a great collector's item!
We also have a Call for Papers for the upcoming "Future of Energy: Challenges, Perspectives, and Solutions" (Edited by T. Valone) to be published by Nova Science Publishers. Email your Title and Abstract to
email: to be considered for a chapter in the future energy hard cover anthology. The publisher is offering a free copy to chapter contributors as well!
A summary from the movie producer Chris Munch is below describing the preview prior to the actual premiere
"Special sneak preview screening for COFE attendees of a brand new
feature motion picture. Campbell Scott ("House of Cards" vice president
Mark Usher, among many other notable roles) stars as a respected
journalist who, at the time of his estranged father's death, backs into
a 60-year-old mystery involving President Eisenhower and the classified
aerospace world. Noted independent filmmaker Christopher Munch
( weaves an intriguingly speculative story
across multiple eras, based both on history and folklore. A superb
supporting cast features the great British actor Ian Hart ("Mary Queen
of Scots," "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone") in a memorable
appearance as cold warrior James Forrestal. Director Munch will be on
hand for a Q and A discussion after the screening. Note: No recording
of any kind (audio or video) will be permitted during the screening."
All the best,
NOTE: This movie is based on facts and will be in an actual public premiere at a major film festival. - TV
************** COFE10 Details from 2018 are below - DVDs are now available for all speakers from IRI ************
Tenth International Conference on Future Energy - COFE10
Confirmed and Invited Speakers are below. We were also honored to have Gwen Holdmann, Director of the Alaska Center for Energy and Power (ACEP) and Elaine Walker, author, musician, and chaos theorist as plenary speakers. A complete COFE10 Program booklet is also online with abstracts and biographical info on each speaker.

*Virgil Perryman "Heat Battery/Engine - Amazing Zero Pollution Technology" - See Virgil's intro jet engine video
*Moray King "Plasma Ion Oscillations and Vacuum Energy"
*Bob DeBiase "Quantum Fire Project with SEM Designs"
*Bill Alek "An Introduction to Faster Than Light (FTL) Starship Design"
*Mike Gamble "Control Moment Gyroscope Developments in Thrust Motion"
*Josh Reynolds "My Experience with New Energy Investments"
*Larry Deavenport "Building T. Townsend Brown's Flame Jet Generator"
*Suzanne Price "NanoCrystal Electricity Technology"
*Brian Anderson "Tesla Research for Health and Well Being"
*Gwen Holdmann "Alaska's Center for Energy and Power is a Model of Sustainable Technology"
*Elaine Walker "Matter Over Mind: Cosmos, Chaos, and Curiosity"
*Thorsten Ludwig "Summary of Future Energy Trends"
Saturday Night: Thomas Valone "VACUUM ENERGY VIA NANOTECHNOLOGY: MANELAS DEVICE DESCRIPTION" with Brian Ahern Click to see the COFE10 Dr. Brian Ahern - Manelas slideshow
(We will try to post othe slideshows online soon!)
BACKUP Speakers:
Don Reed "Proof-of-Principle of Scalar Electrodynamics"
Russ Anderson "Electrostatics: Advanced Tech for Land, Sea, and Aerospace"
*Tom Valone "Future Energy Technology that will have Public Impact"
Harold "Sonny" White "NASA Warp Drive Research for Rapid Interstellar Travel"
Note: You may also register at the TeslaTech website for their four-day conference and receive free admission to COFE10
************** COFE9 Details from 2017 are below - DVDs are now available for all speakers from IRI **********
Ninth International Conference on Future Energy - COFE9
Confirmed Speakers include as of June 26, 2017:
*Dr. Carolyn McMakin, D.C. - speaking on "Resonant Effects in Clinical Practice" based on her best-selling book, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (Churchill Livingston, 2011) also featured on the Elsevier Health website plenary evening speaker for joint session of both conferences
*Thorsten Ludwig, PhD - speaking on his scanning electron microscope assisted energy research results
*Glen Robertson - speaking on Acceleration Mechanics for New Propellentless Space Drives
*Mike Gamble - retired Boeing engineer, speaking on his new tabletop experimental model of the Boeing CMG which powers (moves) the ISS and most satellites - a project sponsored and partially funded with a grant from IRI
*Russ Anderson - speaking on the worldwide efforts to replicate the J.R.R. Searl energy and propulsion device which he has also spent years researching
*William Alek - speaking on Developing Practical Warp Drive Engine Technology
*Aidan Shaffer - presenting personal experience with EarthShip sustainability and renewable energy project that produced a closed system for energy generation
*Don Reed - presenting a proof of principle for scalar electrodynamics which can offer faster than light transmission of information
*Dan Grebenisan - speaking on his new Bioenergetics product discovery
*Robert DeBiase - presenting the results of a yearlong effort to experimentally test his Casimir force production invention
*Dr. Nirmala Khandan - confirmed professor speaking on "Harvesting Net Energy from Urban Wastewater" developed locally in Las Cruces NM at the Arrowhead Center, Inc.
*Dr. James Purvis - Confirmed speaker on "Electromagnetic Angular Acceleration and Segmented-Capacitor Propulsion Systems"
*David Froning - backup speaker - video lecture from Australian university scientist on quantum vacuum propulsion research
*David L. Strom - backup speaker on a hyper-light antenna
*Thomas Valone - backup speaker - "Energy Breakthroughs Expected to Have a Public Impact"
*James Dunn - backup speaker - former NASA Center for Technology Transfer Director speaking on new energy storage methods which he has investigated
Click here for a COFE 9 One-Page Poster for Friday and Saturday, July 28, 29, 2017
The dual, concurrent conferences will be held at the Embassy Suites near downtown Albuquerque, NM. Preregistration rates to be posted. Embassy Suites special conference rate is $94 per night. Hotel Reservations 800-362-2779. HOTEL reservations conference code is "TTI" .
NOTE: You receive FREE admission to the ExtraOrdinary Technology conference during the two days of COFE9 with your COFE9 registration!
Note: You may also register at the website for their four-day conference and receive free admission to COFE9
************** COFE8 Details from 2016 are below - DVDs are now available for all speakers except Maynard **********
Eighth International Conference on Future Energy
COFE8 was held on July 28-30, 2016 in Albuquerqu NM in conjunction with the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference. Click here for a nice illustrated review of COFE8 or click here for the Master Program for COFE8 with Titles, Abstracts, and Biographies of ALL of the speakers!
Integrity Research Institute, sponsor of COFE8, is collaborating with the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference and TeslaTech, LLC to present a two-day conference event with peer-reviewed published proceedings on July 29 and 30, 2016 with an extra introductory talk on July 28th at 5 PM. COFE traditionally fulfills the mission statement of Integrity Research Institute to "research scientific integrity in the areas of energy, propulsion, and bioenergetics" so original papers on those vital topics are presented on the topics of energy, propulsion, bioenergetics.
Email: . Questions or inquiries are accepted by email. Free admission for young people under 21 (student or not). It also includes FREE admission for the 29th and 30th to the concurrent ExtraOrdinary Technology conference going on down the hall if you are 21 and under. It does NOT include admission the evening Social with pizza and a special plenary speaker's presentation starting Wednesday, July 27 at 5 PM and following evenings starting at 7 PM for only $20/night separate Social/Food ticket.
Click here for a one-page COFE8 poster listing confirmed speakers for the conference.
Confirmed Speakers include:
William Alek #1 - Inertial/Gravitational Mass Modification for FTL Deep Space Applications
William Alek #2 - Constructing Free Energy - Overunity Devices using Spin-Zero Core Technology
Robert DeBiase - The Quantum Fire Project
Mike Gamble - former Boeing engineer presenting on BATTERIES NOT REQUIRED - The Real Tesla Electric Car Motor
Thorsten Ludwig - physicist from Germany presenting on Energy Extraction and Detection with Zero Point Energy, Magnetism and Consciousness
Moray King - The Nanobubble Revolution and Nanocavity Plasma
Stefan Weigandt - New Technology for a Better Life Quality - New Solution for You
Dr Norm Shealy - famous anti-aging doctor presenting on Biochemistry and Physics of Longevity
Don Reed - Stueckelberg Off-Mass Shell Model for Particle Interaction and Hidden Dimensions of Time and Mass
Dr Tom Valone - physicist and engineer presenting on Applications of Electrogravitics for Advanced Propulsion
H. David Froning - physicist and faculty member of University of Adelaide presenting on Faster than Light experiments (book)
Tim Wilson - corporate CEO and successful entrepreneur presenting on Monopole Magnet Dumbell Atom Model with Demo
Dr. Elliott Maynard - BRAVE NEW MIND: Future-Science Transformation of the Global Biosphere (latest book)
Click here for a COFE 8 Speaker Schedule for Friday and Saturday, July 29-30, 2016
Click on the links below for select slideshows from COFE8. These are great examples of real scientific progress being made by our presenters. Order their DVDs on our Products link from the Homepage
************** COFE7 Details from 2015 are below - Proceedings to be posted soon (keep reminding us) - **********
Seventh International Conference on Future Energy
“ Including ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference "
Review of COFE7 in Future Energy eNews, August, 2015.
COFE7 Slideshow movie (5 minutes) with music mp4 format .
PDF version to print out coupon for FREE student admission
COFE7 Press Release from IRI Future Energy eNews
COFE7 Program Schedule
COFE7 Speakers' Abstracts and Bios
Click Here to REGISTER
Print a paper Registration page to fax or mail
Confirmed plenary speakers include (updated 7/27/15):
Moray King (Zero Point Energy and Thunderclouds)
Mike Gamble (Boeing inertial propulsion engineer)
Dr. Nick Simos (Brookhaven National Lab - wireless energy transmission)
Ryan Wood (Detailed Analysis of Papp Engine - an In-Depth Investigation)
Dr. Thomas Valone (V-Track Spiral Magnetic Motor Development)
Dr. Thorsten Ludwig (quantum vacuum experiment)
Rober DeBiase (Asymmetric Casimir Plates Experiments)
Dr. Jacqueline Panting (New Healing Paradigm: Pulsed Magnetic Fields)
Carlos Hendriques (zero point energy Master's Degree presentation)
Marcus Reid (new energy technologies)
Robert Smith (Getting Millions for Your Inventions and Free Publicity)
William Alek (Antigravity revealing technology)
Stephan Weigandt (New Solutions - car mileage, land irrigation and more)
Mike Weiner (My Career as an Electrodevice Entrepreneur)
The dual, concurrent conferences held at the Embassy Suites near downtown Albuquerque, NM. Preregistration rates to be posted. Embassy Suites special conference rate is $94 per night. Hotel Reservations 800-362-2779. HOTEL reservations conference code is "TTI" .
Note: A few COFE speakers appear in SPECIAL, shared, joint sessions like Dr. Tom Valone (July 29 at 5 PM), Dr. Nick Simos (July 31 at 7 PM), and Mike Gamble (Aug. 1 at 4 PM). COFE attendees will have special admission to those events though they occur in the ExtraOrdinary Tech ballroom.
Questions or inquiries are accepted by email . As to remote presentations, we use Adobe Connect which is easy for slides, audio and video.
IRI has published (see below) the Proceedings of COFE with Elsevier or World Scientific publishers and will contract with them again or other similar, widely distributed ScienceDirect-affiliated publishers of conference proceedings. Your original and unpublished paper is vital to making this record of the conference a lasting success. Guidelines for formatting the paper will be posted shortly.
Click on the links below for select slideshows from COFE7. These are great examples of real scientific progress being made by our presenters. Order their DVDs on our Products link on the IRI homepage.
Nick Simos - "Wireless Energy Transmission: Nicola Tesla 'Unplugged'" COFE7 July 30, 2015
Robert DeBiase - "Can Casimir Forces be Asymmetric?" COFE7 July 31, 2015
Carlos Hendriques - "ZPE Casimir Force Experiments" - COFE7 July 31, 2015
Mike Gamble - "History of Boeing's Control Moment Gyros (CMG)" - July 31, 2015
Thorsten Ludwig - "Subtle Influences on a Single Electron's Spin" - July 30, 2015
Thomas Valone - "Future Energy-Program Initiatives into Emerging Energy, Propulsion and Bioenergy" - July 31, 2015
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Previous COFE1 - COFE6 Details from Years Past are Below * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sixth International Conference on Future Energy
“ Including 20th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference "
Integrity Research Institute, sponsor of COFE6, collaborated with the highly successful Natural Philosophy Alliance for this conference event July 11-13, 2013. But what is "Future Energy" you might ask? A credible summary is provided by Gary Vesperman for example, who just published in 2013 a 33-page report for investors on "Clean Energy Inventions", none of which use fossil fuels and many are worthy of further research and investigation.
Our joint NPA-COFE6 conference was held at the University of Maryland. Our Conference Summary for the Sixth Conference on Future Energy is updated and online. Our emphasis is on emerging energy developments, propulsion research, and bioenergetics.
We are happy to share the webcast recordings as well, which open with RealPlayer. It is suggested to "Save Target As" and select "all files", then add ".flv" at the end of the file name, to ensure saving it as a Flash Video, or simply change the extension after saving to ".flv" so it will be playable.
Francis McCabe - Gyro/Inertial Propulsion Forces and Systems
Thomas Valone - Zero Point and Quantum Vacuum Energy Power
John Finnerty - Konterra Solar Project-Maryland's First Solar Grid Storage
George Miley - Life at the Center of the Energy Crisis-New Book
Thomas Valone - Papp Engine Overview and Video Demo
Thorsten Ludwig - Coler Engine Generator Experiments
Nick Simos - Physics of Tesla's Wireless Energy Transmission
Max Formitchev-Zamilov - Cavitation Induced Fusion
Matt Emery - Analysis of LeedSkalnin's Mysterious Coral Castle
James Putnam - Origins of Force and Acceleration
Sterling Allen - Top 5 Exotic Energy Technologies
The last presentation here is David Froning's narrated PowerPoint presentation which is self-running with good audio:
David Froning - Fusion Confinement with Special EM Fields
University of Maryland campus maps are online: full color map in pdf and my favorite, the 2013 3D black and white 11x17 size map also in pdf.
Students full registration or single day registration was FREE with student I.D.
Everyone else may register here. One low fee for admission to both conferences, demonstrations (Thursday night) and exhibit hall!
Note on the NPA site, authors may choose to publish in the NPA Proceedings ($15/page) and/or the COFE6 Proceedings (free). There is no cost to submit a paper to IRI for the COFE6 online proceedings this year.
COFE and NPA Final Program Schedule
WEBCASTING: We are using Adobe Connect, a professional, high-bandwith Internet based service that shows the PowerPoint slides very clearly, audio AND video of the speaker. Simply click here on Thursday or Friday morning to join our conference. Please join as "Learner" or "participant" only. No credit card needed!
But most important are three compelling reasons to attend the NPA-COFE6 dual event:
(1) Two (2) Conferences under one roof:
COFE6 which includes Space Propulsion, Future Energy, Bioenergetics and Space Science and Technology
NPA which includes over eighty (80) presentations on all aspects of physics developments
(2) Amazing
Peer-Reviewed papers published by Natural Philosophy Alliance known worldwide
Physics theories and experiments, Human Missions to Mars, New Energy, Propulsion, NASA advanced concepts,
Bioelectromagnetics, Inertial Gyroscopic Propulsion, Gravitomagnetics, Antigravity, Podkletnov
effect, Space Elevators, Beamed Power, Nuclear propulsion, Toroidal coils, Coler
apparatus, Low Energy Nuclear Power, Water Electrolyzers, Maglevs and Space Habitats
and more.
(3) Reasonable registration fees and very reasonable hotel rates.
Many of the hotels are within walking distance of the campus and also offer shuttle service.
Hotel information and Contact Info
the official hotel for the COFE6-NPA event is the Quality Inn with a SHUTTLE to the Stamp Student Union but use 301-276-1000 option 2 and ask for Ms. Patel using the discount code "NPA" to get the group rate of $80/night based on availability
Hosted by: University of Maryland
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK - Stamp Student Union Building - 495 Ex. 25B
Parking is available in the Union Lane Garage next door to the Student Union for $3 per hour with a maximum of $15/day or in the Student Lot (Lot # 1) for $8/day pre-registered with the NPA or $10/day onsite parking pass.
COFE6 Speaker Titles
View the NPA-COFE6 Poster and view the very impressive and scientifically amazing NPA posting of over 90 abstracts .
Sincerely, Thomas Valone, PhD, PE, President, Integrity Research Institute, COFE Co-Coordinator and Len Danczyk, COFE Co-Coordinator
Fifth International Conference on Future Energy
“ Including Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum "
In 2012, COFE5 was in collaboration with the Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum (SPESIF)
The 350 page Proceedings of SPESIF-COFE5, Edited by Dr Thomas Valone are now online for Guests to view and download PDF copies of the published papers:
Proceedings of SPESIF 2012
We are grateful for all of you who contributed to this event and made it possible. The Flash FLV videos of most of the SPESIF presentations are also online (see below) and stored chronologically for online viewing, as converted from Adobe Connect.
SPESIF-COFE 5 Proceedings are available online (see above for link or contact IRI at 301-220-0440 to inquiry).
2012 Author page (updated 2/20/12)
SPESIF-COFE5 videos now online - Adobe Flash Video (flv) format. Also recommended as an alternative is RealPlayer which plays flv media files very well with several options for display. Note, all files are 100 MB or larger so high bandwidth WiFi is helpful or simply right-click and "Save Target" before trying to play the file on your computer. However, there are a couple of technical sound problems in a few presentations so please accept our apologies for Adobe Connect issues:
IRI is proud to emphasize the exclusive breakthrough discoveries of Mike Gamble and Garret Moddel that were presented at SPESIF 2012.
Wednesday night, Feb. 29, Dave Nagel and Sterling Allan, 1:23 hours Opening night - two lectures
Thursday morning, Mar. 1, Moddel, DeBiase, Fresco, Carter, Gamble, 3:09 hours March 1 morning
Thursday afternoon, Mar. 1, Cui, Werbos, Chiang, Pomerantseva, Goodwin, Ludwig, Kosovich, 4:14 hours March 1 afternoon
Thursday Banquet Talk, Mar. 1, George Miley, 1:04 hours Banquet presentation
Friday all day, Mar. 2, 2012, Ide, Reed, Lundquist, Fresco, Putnam, Valone, Woods, Bouchard, 6:40 hours March 2 all day


SPESIF-COFE4 2011 Press Releases: (1) Energy Breakthrough Announcement at SPESIF-COFE4 ; (2) Life Extension discovery at U of Md conference
View ALL of the SPESIF2011-COFE4 papers and download ANY of them for FREE (pdf):
Physics Procedia - ScienceDirect (c) Elsevier B.V.
COFE4 Invited and Accepted Speakers
click here for a Review of the past 2011 SPESIF-COFE4
Click to see all SPESIF-COFE4 presentation papers on CD which are still available.
Visit our IRI ORDER PAGE to order the Proceedings or DVDs from the 2011 COFE4 conference.
Thomas Valone, Conference Co-Coordinator, Tech and Pub Chair and Moderator, John Falker (NASA), Harry Partridge (NASA), H David Froning, George Miley, Paul Werbos, David Nagel, Qingbin Cui, Judy Kosovich, Chia-Ying Chiang, Robert Fresco, Ekaterina Pomerantseva, Thorsten Ludwig, Curt Renshaw, Alex Howerton, Marshall Eubanks, Paul Potter, Sam Wanis, J.C. Bass, James Putnam, Philip Bouchard, Alex Dmitriyev, and many more.
Read our four-page COFE3 Review (PDF) by Dr. Jacqueline Panting, Executive Director of IRI
Visit our IRI ORDER PAGE to order the DVDs or get the 192-page Proceedings of COFE3 collection of conference papers
View the 2009 COFE3 event 2009 webpage
View the summary page for the Second International Conference on Future Energy, held in 2006, which also included a movie screening of "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and a personal lecture by its star Chelsey Sexton.
View the complete summary of the successful First
International Conference on Future Energy, held in 1999, which caused a
sensation in the media since it was planned by invitation at the US State Department.
Aerospace Vehicle Structure eBook
5020 Sunnyside Ave. Suite 209, Beltsville MD 20705
Call: 888-802-5243,
301-220-0440 FAX: 301-513-5728
Copyright© 2011 Integrity Research Institute, 5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209, Beltsville MD 20705. All rights

* David Rosignoli "Space Drive Replication Experiments"
* Dr. Thorsten Ludwig "Amazing Astronomical Discoveries of Russian Scientist Kozyrev"
* Dr. Robert Gray "Making Classical Electrodynamics Mathematically Consistent"
* Mike Gamble "Control Moment Gyro Experiment, Part 3"
* Dr. Bruce Cornet "Unconventional Aircraft and Their Performances, as Part of Disclosure of US Hardware Advancements"
* Judy Kosovich "The Dark Side of Solar Power"
* William Alek "Measuring the Operating Efficiency of Complex (Free Energy / Over-Unity) Transformers"
* Suzanne Price "Elements of an Emerging Scientific Paradigm Shift"
* Robert DeBiase "Propellantless Propulsion Based Upon Casimir Wedges"
* Dr. Paul LaViolette "Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion - book summary"
* Paul Murad "The Morningstar Energy Box- Part Redux"
* Dr. Jim Purvis "Capacitive-Discharge Electromagnetic Propulsion System - patented Nov 2018"
* Dr. Tom Valone "Energy Breakthroughs that Will Make a Difference"
Backup Speakers: Dr. Jacqueline Panting, Don Reed, Chris Orwoll

We also have a Call for Papers for the upcoming "Future of Energy: Challenges, Perspectives, and Solutions" (Edited by T. Valone) to be published by Nova Science Publishers. Email your Title and Abstract to email: to be considered for a chapter in the future energy hard cover anthology. The publisher is offering a free copy to chapter contributors as well!
A summary from the movie producer Chris Munch is below describing the preview prior to the actual premiere
"Special sneak preview screening for COFE attendees of a brand new feature motion picture. Campbell Scott ("House of Cards" vice president Mark Usher, among many other notable roles) stars as a respected journalist who, at the time of his estranged father's death, backs into a 60-year-old mystery involving President Eisenhower and the classified aerospace world. Noted independent filmmaker Christopher Munch ( weaves an intriguingly speculative story across multiple eras, based both on history and folklore. A superb supporting cast features the great British actor Ian Hart ("Mary Queen of Scots," "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone") in a memorable appearance as cold warrior James Forrestal. Director Munch will be on hand for a Q and A discussion after the screening. Note: No recording of any kind (audio or video) will be permitted during the screening."
All the best,
NOTE: This movie is based on facts and will be in an actual public premiere at a major film festival. - TV
*Moray King "Plasma Ion Oscillations and Vacuum Energy"
*Bob DeBiase "Quantum Fire Project with SEM Designs"
*Bill Alek "An Introduction to Faster Than Light (FTL) Starship Design"
*Mike Gamble "Control Moment Gyroscope Developments in Thrust Motion"
*Josh Reynolds "My Experience with New Energy Investments"
*Larry Deavenport "Building T. Townsend Brown's Flame Jet Generator"
*Suzanne Price "NanoCrystal Electricity Technology"
*Brian Anderson "Tesla Research for Health and Well Being"
*Gwen Holdmann "Alaska's Center for Energy and Power is a Model of Sustainable Technology"
*Elaine Walker "Matter Over Mind: Cosmos, Chaos, and Curiosity"
*Thorsten Ludwig "Summary of Future Energy Trends"
Saturday Night: Thomas Valone "VACUUM ENERGY VIA NANOTECHNOLOGY: MANELAS DEVICE DESCRIPTION" with Brian Ahern Click to see the COFE10 Dr. Brian Ahern - Manelas slideshow
(We will try to post othe slideshows online soon!)
BACKUP Speakers:
Don Reed "Proof-of-Principle of Scalar Electrodynamics"
Russ Anderson "Electrostatics: Advanced Tech for Land, Sea, and Aerospace"
*Tom Valone "Future Energy Technology that will have Public Impact"
Harold "Sonny" White "NASA Warp Drive Research for Rapid Interstellar Travel"
Confirmed Speakers include:
William Alek #1 - Inertial/Gravitational Mass Modification for FTL Deep Space Applications
William Alek #2 - Constructing Free Energy - Overunity Devices using Spin-Zero Core Technology
Robert DeBiase - The Quantum Fire Project
Mike Gamble - former Boeing engineer presenting on BATTERIES NOT REQUIRED - The Real Tesla Electric Car Motor
Thorsten Ludwig - physicist from Germany presenting on Energy Extraction and Detection with Zero Point Energy, Magnetism and Consciousness
Moray King - The Nanobubble Revolution and Nanocavity Plasma
Stefan Weigandt - New Technology for a Better Life Quality - New Solution for You
Dr Norm Shealy - famous anti-aging doctor presenting on Biochemistry and Physics of Longevity
Don Reed - Stueckelberg Off-Mass Shell Model for Particle Interaction and Hidden Dimensions of Time and Mass
Dr Tom Valone - physicist and engineer presenting on Applications of Electrogravitics for Advanced Propulsion
H. David Froning - physicist and faculty member of University of Adelaide presenting on Faster than Light experiments (book)
Tim Wilson - corporate CEO and successful entrepreneur presenting on Monopole Magnet Dumbell Atom Model with Demo
Dr. Elliott Maynard - BRAVE NEW MIND: Future-Science Transformation of the Global Biosphere (latest book)
“ Including ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference "
Review of COFE7 in Future Energy eNews, August, 2015.
COFE7 Slideshow movie (5 minutes) with music mp4 format .
COFE7 Press Release from IRI Future Energy eNews
COFE7 Program Schedule
COFE7 Speakers' Abstracts and Bios
Click Here to REGISTER
Print a paper Registration page to fax or mailConfirmed plenary speakers include (updated 7/27/15):
Moray King (Zero Point Energy and Thunderclouds)
Mike Gamble (Boeing inertial propulsion engineer)
Dr. Nick Simos (Brookhaven National Lab - wireless energy transmission)
Ryan Wood (Detailed Analysis of Papp Engine - an In-Depth Investigation)
Dr. Thomas Valone (V-Track Spiral Magnetic Motor Development)
Dr. Thorsten Ludwig (quantum vacuum experiment)
Rober DeBiase (Asymmetric Casimir Plates Experiments)
Dr. Jacqueline Panting (New Healing Paradigm: Pulsed Magnetic Fields)
Carlos Hendriques (zero point energy Master's Degree presentation)
Marcus Reid (new energy technologies)
Robert Smith (Getting Millions for Your Inventions and Free Publicity)
William Alek (Antigravity revealing technology)
Stephan Weigandt (New Solutions - car mileage, land irrigation and more)
Mike Weiner (My Career as an Electrodevice Entrepreneur)
The dual, concurrent conferences held at the Embassy Suites near downtown Albuquerque, NM. Preregistration rates to be posted. Embassy Suites special conference rate is $94 per night. Hotel Reservations 800-362-2779. HOTEL reservations conference code is "TTI" .
Note: A few COFE speakers appear in SPECIAL, shared, joint sessions like Dr. Tom Valone (July 29 at 5 PM), Dr. Nick Simos (July 31 at 7 PM), and Mike Gamble (Aug. 1 at 4 PM). COFE attendees will have special admission to those events though they occur in the ExtraOrdinary Tech ballroom.
Questions or inquiries are accepted by email . As to remote presentations, we use Adobe Connect which is easy for slides, audio and video.
IRI has published (see below) the Proceedings of COFE with Elsevier or World Scientific publishers and will contract with them again or other similar, widely distributed ScienceDirect-affiliated publishers of conference proceedings. Your original and unpublished paper is vital to making this record of the conference a lasting success. Guidelines for formatting the paper will be posted shortly.
Click on the links below for select slideshows from COFE7. These are great examples of real scientific progress being made by our presenters. Order their DVDs on our Products link on the IRI homepage.
Nick Simos - "Wireless Energy Transmission: Nicola Tesla 'Unplugged'" COFE7 July 30, 2015
Robert DeBiase - "Can Casimir Forces be Asymmetric?" COFE7 July 31, 2015
Carlos Hendriques - "ZPE Casimir Force Experiments" - COFE7 July 31, 2015
Mike Gamble - "History of Boeing's Control Moment Gyros (CMG)" - July 31, 2015
Thorsten Ludwig - "Subtle Influences on a Single Electron's Spin" - July 30, 2015
Thomas Valone - "Future Energy-Program Initiatives into Emerging Energy, Propulsion and Bioenergy" - July 31, 2015
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Previous COFE1 - COFE6 Details from Years Past are Below * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sixth International Conference on Future Energy
“ Including 20th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference "
Integrity Research Institute, sponsor of COFE6, collaborated with the highly successful Natural Philosophy Alliance for this conference event July 11-13, 2013. But what is "Future Energy" you might ask? A credible summary is provided by Gary Vesperman for example, who just published in 2013 a 33-page report for investors on "Clean Energy Inventions", none of which use fossil fuels and many are worthy of further research and investigation.
Our joint NPA-COFE6 conference was held at the University of Maryland. Our Conference Summary for the Sixth Conference on Future Energy is updated and online. Our emphasis is on emerging energy developments, propulsion research, and bioenergetics.
We are happy to share the webcast recordings as well, which open with RealPlayer. It is suggested to "Save Target As" and select "all files", then add ".flv" at the end of the file name, to ensure saving it as a Flash Video, or simply change the extension after saving to ".flv" so it will be playable.
Francis McCabe - Gyro/Inertial Propulsion Forces and Systems
Thomas Valone - Zero Point and Quantum Vacuum Energy Power
John Finnerty - Konterra Solar Project-Maryland's First Solar Grid Storage
George Miley - Life at the Center of the Energy Crisis-New Book
Thomas Valone - Papp Engine Overview and Video Demo
Thorsten Ludwig - Coler Engine Generator Experiments
Nick Simos - Physics of Tesla's Wireless Energy Transmission
Max Formitchev-Zamilov - Cavitation Induced Fusion
Matt Emery - Analysis of LeedSkalnin's Mysterious Coral Castle
James Putnam - Origins of Force and Acceleration
Sterling Allen - Top 5 Exotic Energy Technologies
The last presentation here is David Froning's narrated PowerPoint presentation which is self-running with good audio:
David Froning - Fusion Confinement with Special EM Fields
University of Maryland campus maps are online: full color map in pdf and my favorite, the 2013 3D black and white 11x17 size map also in pdf.
Students full registration or single day registration was FREE with student I.D.
Everyone else may register here. One low fee for admission to both conferences, demonstrations (Thursday night) and exhibit hall!
Note on the NPA site, authors may choose to publish in the NPA Proceedings ($15/page) and/or the COFE6 Proceedings (free). There is no cost to submit a paper to IRI for the COFE6 online proceedings this year.
COFE and NPA Final Program Schedule
WEBCASTING: We are using Adobe Connect, a professional, high-bandwith Internet based service that shows the PowerPoint slides very clearly, audio AND video of the speaker. Simply click here on Thursday or Friday morning to join our conference. Please join as "Learner" or "participant" only. No credit card needed!
But most important are three compelling reasons to attend the NPA-COFE6 dual event:
(1) Two (2) Conferences under one roof:
COFE6 which includes Space Propulsion, Future Energy, Bioenergetics and Space Science and Technology
NPA which includes over eighty (80) presentations on all aspects of physics developments
(2) Amazing
Peer-Reviewed papers published by Natural Philosophy Alliance known worldwide
Physics theories and experiments, Human Missions to Mars, New Energy, Propulsion, NASA advanced concepts,
Bioelectromagnetics, Inertial Gyroscopic Propulsion, Gravitomagnetics, Antigravity, Podkletnov
effect, Space Elevators, Beamed Power, Nuclear propulsion, Toroidal coils, Coler
apparatus, Low Energy Nuclear Power, Water Electrolyzers, Maglevs and Space Habitats
and more.
(3) Reasonable registration fees and very reasonable hotel rates.
Many of the hotels are within walking distance of the campus and also offer shuttle service.
Hotel information and Contact Info
the official hotel for the COFE6-NPA event is the Quality Inn with a SHUTTLE to the Stamp Student Union but use 301-276-1000 option 2 and ask for Ms. Patel using the discount code "NPA" to get the group rate of $80/night based on availability
Hosted by: University of Maryland
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK - Stamp Student Union Building - 495 Ex. 25B
Parking is available in the Union Lane Garage next door to the Student Union for $3 per hour with a maximum of $15/day or in the Student Lot (Lot # 1) for $8/day pre-registered with the NPA or $10/day onsite parking pass.
COFE6 Speaker Titles
View the NPA-COFE6 Poster and view the very impressive and scientifically amazing NPA posting of over 90 abstracts .
Sincerely, Thomas Valone, PhD, PE, President, Integrity Research Institute, COFE Co-Coordinator and Len Danczyk, COFE Co-Coordinator
Fifth International Conference on Future Energy
“ Including Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum "
In 2012, COFE5 was in collaboration with the Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum (SPESIF)
The 350 page Proceedings of SPESIF-COFE5, Edited by Dr Thomas Valone are now online for Guests to view and download PDF copies of the published papers:
Proceedings of SPESIF 2012
We are grateful for all of you who contributed to this event and made it possible. The Flash FLV videos of most of the SPESIF presentations are also online (see below) and stored chronologically for online viewing, as converted from Adobe Connect.
SPESIF-COFE 5 Proceedings are available online (see above for link or contact IRI at 301-220-0440 to inquiry).
2012 Author page (updated 2/20/12)
SPESIF-COFE5 videos now online - Adobe Flash Video (flv) format. Also recommended as an alternative is RealPlayer which plays flv media files very well with several options for display. Note, all files are 100 MB or larger so high bandwidth WiFi is helpful or simply right-click and "Save Target" before trying to play the file on your computer. However, there are a couple of technical sound problems in a few presentations so please accept our apologies for Adobe Connect issues:
IRI is proud to emphasize the exclusive breakthrough discoveries of Mike Gamble and Garret Moddel that were presented at SPESIF 2012.
Wednesday night, Feb. 29, Dave Nagel and Sterling Allan, 1:23 hours Opening night - two lectures
Thursday morning, Mar. 1, Moddel, DeBiase, Fresco, Carter, Gamble, 3:09 hours March 1 morning
Thursday afternoon, Mar. 1, Cui, Werbos, Chiang, Pomerantseva, Goodwin, Ludwig, Kosovich, 4:14 hours March 1 afternoon
Thursday Banquet Talk, Mar. 1, George Miley, 1:04 hours Banquet presentation
Friday all day, Mar. 2, 2012, Ide, Reed, Lundquist, Fresco, Putnam, Valone, Woods, Bouchard, 6:40 hours March 2 all day


SPESIF-COFE4 2011 Press Releases: (1) Energy Breakthrough Announcement at SPESIF-COFE4 ; (2) Life Extension discovery at U of Md conference
View ALL of the SPESIF2011-COFE4 papers and download ANY of them for FREE (pdf):
Physics Procedia - ScienceDirect (c) Elsevier B.V.
COFE4 Invited and Accepted Speakers
click here for a Review of the past 2011 SPESIF-COFE4
Click to see all SPESIF-COFE4 presentation papers on CD which are still available.Our joint NPA-COFE6 conference was held at the University of Maryland. Our Conference Summary for the Sixth Conference on Future Energy is updated and online. Our emphasis is on emerging energy developments, propulsion research, and bioenergetics. We are happy to share the webcast recordings as well, which open with RealPlayer. It is suggested to "Save Target As" and select "all files", then add ".flv" at the end of the file name, to ensure saving it as a Flash Video, or simply change the extension after saving to ".flv" so it will be playable.
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK - Stamp Student Union Building - 495 Ex. 25B
Parking is available in the Union Lane Garage next door to the Student Union for $3 per hour with a maximum of $15/day or in the Student Lot (Lot # 1) for $8/day pre-registered with the NPA or $10/day onsite parking pass.
View the NPA-COFE6 Poster and view the very impressive and scientifically amazing NPA posting of over 90 abstracts .
Fifth International Conference on Future Energy
“ Including Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum "
In 2012, COFE5 was in collaboration with the Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum (SPESIF)
The 350 page Proceedings of SPESIF-COFE5, Edited by Dr Thomas Valone are now online for Guests to view and download PDF copies of the published papers:
Proceedings of SPESIF 2012
We are grateful for all of you who contributed to this event and made it possible. The Flash FLV videos of most of the SPESIF presentations are also online (see below) and stored chronologically for online viewing, as converted from Adobe Connect.
SPESIF-COFE 5 Proceedings are available online (see above for link or contact IRI at 301-220-0440 to inquiry).
2012 Author page (updated 2/20/12)
SPESIF-COFE5 videos now online - Adobe Flash Video (flv) format. Also recommended as an alternative is RealPlayer which plays flv media files very well with several options for display. Note, all files are 100 MB or larger so high bandwidth WiFi is helpful or simply right-click and "Save Target" before trying to play the file on your computer. However, there are a couple of technical sound problems in a few presentations so please accept our apologies for Adobe Connect issues:
IRI is proud to emphasize the exclusive breakthrough discoveries of Mike Gamble and Garret Moddel that were presented at SPESIF 2012.
Wednesday night, Feb. 29, Dave Nagel and Sterling Allan, 1:23 hours Opening night - two lectures
Thursday morning, Mar. 1, Moddel, DeBiase, Fresco, Carter, Gamble, 3:09 hours March 1 morning
Thursday afternoon, Mar. 1, Cui, Werbos, Chiang, Pomerantseva, Goodwin, Ludwig, Kosovich, 4:14 hours March 1 afternoon
Thursday Banquet Talk, Mar. 1, George Miley, 1:04 hours Banquet presentation
Friday all day, Mar. 2, 2012, Ide, Reed, Lundquist, Fresco, Putnam, Valone, Woods, Bouchard, 6:40 hours March 2 all day
SPESIF-COFE4 2011 Press Releases: (1) Energy Breakthrough Announcement at SPESIF-COFE4 ; (2) Life Extension discovery at U of Md conference
View ALL of the SPESIF2011-COFE4 papers and download ANY of them for FREE (pdf): Physics Procedia - ScienceDirect (c) Elsevier B.V.
COFE4 Invited and Accepted Speakers
click here for a Review of the past 2011 SPESIF-COFE4
Visit our IRI ORDER PAGE to order the Proceedings or DVDs from the 2011 COFE4 conference.
Thomas Valone, Conference Co-Coordinator, Tech and Pub Chair and Moderator, John Falker (NASA), Harry Partridge (NASA), H David Froning, George Miley, Paul Werbos, David Nagel, Qingbin Cui, Judy Kosovich, Chia-Ying Chiang, Robert Fresco, Ekaterina Pomerantseva, Thorsten Ludwig, Curt Renshaw, Alex Howerton, Marshall Eubanks, Paul Potter, Sam Wanis, J.C. Bass, James Putnam, Philip Bouchard, Alex Dmitriyev, and many more.
Read our four-page COFE3 Review (PDF) by Dr. Jacqueline Panting, Executive Director of IRI
Visit our IRI ORDER PAGE to order the DVDs or get the 192-page Proceedings of COFE3 collection of conference papers
View the 2009 COFE3 event 2009 webpage
View the summary page for the Second International Conference on Future Energy, held in 2006, which also included a movie screening of "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and a personal lecture by its star Chelsey Sexton.
View the complete summary of the successful First International Conference on Future Energy, held in 1999, which caused a sensation in the media since it was planned by invitation at the US State Department.
Aerospace Vehicle Structure eBook
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Call: 888-802-5243, 301-220-0440 FAX: 301-513-5728
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