Hello Tom,
Our YouTube channel continues to grow in subscribers
and content. If you have not yet subscribed here is THE LINK and
you will get access to all the content and latest information on
energy, propulsion, and bioenergetics.This is an End
of Summer subscription drive for our YouTube Channel,
since we are within a few dozen of reaching 1000
subscribers! We appreciate your support and interest in
our progressive, cutting-edge reporting on energy, propulsion, and
bioenergetics research.
For our local readers of this FE eNewsletter, IRI will
be exhibiting at the Fall 2024 Natural Living Expo at the University
of Maryland next week on Sunday, October 6, in the Samuel Riggs IV
Alumni Center at the corner of University Blvd and Riggs Road from 10
AM to 6 PM. Jackie and I will have a large booth there with all of
our main publications and products, including a Nikola Tesla Energy
Chair for FREE high voltage rejuvenation sessions (“Electrons are
Antioxidants” – T. Valone). See you there!
Story #1 presents a unique experiment that backs up
Dr. John Brandenburg’s theory of a unification of Gravity and
ElectroMagnetism (GEM). John gave a wonderful description of his
experiment at APEC (link
also in text below). The important part is that he had to wait a few
years before DARPA, who funded the experimental project, would allow
him to reveal publicly the EMF effect that reduces the weight of
an object, by spinning magnetic fields. John’s GEM theory has
been published in several places, like in the IEEE
Trans on Plasma Sci, 1992 and also
in the book, The GEM Unification Theory, Lambert
Academic Pub., 2016. His experiment, revealed for the first time this
month, causes a 150 mg weight loss that is repeatable and will be
replicated by other excited researchers who may even improve on the
force to power input ratio (F/P).
Story #2 is an exciting new idea, utilizing unexpected
land area not used for anything but the passage of vehicles. The
study, “Roofing
Highways With Solar Panels Substantially Reduces Carbon Emissions and
Traffic Losses” in Earth’s
Future journal will transform the US highways into
generators of terawatt-hours of electricity. Researchers from the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of
Geosciences, and Columbia University have proposed a historic
initiative which could see major global highways covered with solar
Story #3 published in Brain
Research (Vol. 1844, p.149158, Dec.
2024), is another
study that supports the benefits of
our EM
Pulser 78 (which
magnetically pulses at 7.8 Hz) once again. Previous studies showed
cardioprotection and cartilage regeneration with magnetic pulse
devices in the Schumann resonant range. This study “Electromagnetic
field enhance flow state” from Laurentian University found that
exposure to EMF frequencies in the ELF range of 6 – 20 Hz was the
key, applied to the temporal lobes. The 39 participants “had
shifted to a more focused state” of mind and that “concentrating was
easier”. One of our IRI EM Pulser clients wrote, trying this out with
the EM PulsePad accessory, “I am noticing that
maintaining focus is easier while sitting on the small Pad. I have
also noticed in recent months that specific pains associated with my
osteoporotic left hip have disappeared. Presumably this means that
the osteoporosis is reversing; I'll know for sure when I get a DEXA
bone scan around the end of the year.” Try our EM Pulser
78 on a 30 day trial and use the special, end-of-summer
discount code “PC22” for a 10% discount as well. We cannot apologize
for independent studies that we do not sponsor but which support this
Story #4 gives us hope that hydrogen will soon become
an alternative to fossil fuel burning and produce clean fresh water
as a byproduct. Reported in the IEEE
Spectrum journal for electrical
engineers, a kilowatt-scale plant using solar energy has everyone’s
attention. It reminds us of similar achievements such as https://spectrum.ieee.org/electrolysis-of-seawater that
produces hydrogen from seawater, or the really amazing https://spectrum.ieee.org/engineers-make-green-hydrogen-from-air producing
750 liters of H2 just from the humidity in the air!
Story #5 gets personal as it reaches the kitchen table
and cuts carbon emissions by using vegan fat without livestock to
produce a buttery spread that “tastes like butter” according to a
taste tester in London. The company is called Savor and an endorsement
has already been posted by Bill Gates.
Onward and Upward.
Tom Valone, Editor
1) Breakthrough Gravity Modification Experiment Revealed
Press Release September 20, 2024
Washington DC — Dr. John Brandenburg, a renowned
Sandia physicist and DARPA grant recipient, has today unveiled
groundbreaking results from a gravity modification experiment, ending
a two-year embargo on publication. The innovative research, conducted
under DARPA’s auspices, explores novel methods of altering
gravitational fields, potentially revolutionizing our understanding
of fundamental physics.
Dr. Brandenburg's work, initially conducted under the
auspices of a high-profile DARPA grant, had been
subject to a two-year publishing restriction to ensure
thorough compliance with national security protocols. The embargo was
just lifted for a public disclosure presentation this past weekend at
the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference, with an unspecified
government agency allowing experimental results to be revealed that
prove his published theory (https://tinyurl.com/Gravity-EM).
The experiment demonstrates the successful modulation
of gravitational fields in a controlled environment, with a Tesla
3-Phase rotating EM field from a 170-gram coil suspended from a
highly accurate load cell, resulting in a 150 milligram weight loss,
about a 0.1 % effect, from a 30 Watt input. This single experiment,
conducted many times with various configurations and predicted in his
September, 2024preprint http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21443.62248,
challenges long-held theories about gravity
"This research represents a significant leap
forward in our comprehension of gravitational dynamics," said
Dr. Brandenburg. "I am thrilled to share these results with the
world and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the future of physics
and propulsion technology."
The publication of these gravity-electromagnetism
(GEM) reproducible results comes at a pivotal moment
for the scientific community, promising to ignite
discussions and further investigations into the potential
applications and implications of gravity modification.
For further information and to access the full
disclosure of the experiment, please visit https://www.altpropulsion.com/events/apec-8-31-2024/
. Also
About Dr. Brandenburg: spaceranger137@yahoo.com ,
phone 432-741-9424
Dr. John Brandenburg is a distinguished physicist with
a background in high-impact plasma physics
research at Sandia Labs and Lawrence Livermore, Dr.
Brandenburg has specialized in the field of nuclear
fusion studies, Mars research, as well as pushing the
boundaries of the EM effects on gravity. Bio info is at https://www.thespaceshow.com/guest/dr.-john-brandenburg
2) 52 billion solar panels, and America covered
EcoNews September 2024
We are talking about the innovative study published
in the magazine Earth’s Future, which evaluates the great
advantages that would have the application of a large number of
solar panels along the most frequented highways and main roads of
certain cities. In this way, a positive contribution would be made
to the generation of clean energy and traffic losses. Get to know
all the details of its great energetic potential. According to the
aforementioned study, it was concluded that, by covering with solar
panels, more than four times the energy production per year of the
United States could be obtained, even offsetting 28.78% of the
carbon dioxide emissions that are currently emitted annually,
contributing significantly to the neutralization of this delicate
and harmful greenhouse gas.
RELATED STORY https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2023EF003975
3) Neuroscience Suggests Electromagnetic Fields Could
Drastically Boost Your Focus
Inc.com September 2024
A recent study published in Brain Research suggests
that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) might help people achieve the
mental state known as flow, a term coined by psychologist Mihaly
Csikszentmihalyi to describe the feeling of being totally immersed in
a task, losing track of time, and experiencing effortless
People often get into a state of flow when they're
performing really well. Scientists have been trying to figure out how
flow works in the brain for a while, but it's tricky to study. Most
of the time, research has relied on people describing their experiences,
which doesn't always tell us what's really happening in the brain.
4) Solar-to-Hydrogen Pilot Plant Reaches Kilowatt Scale
5) 'Butter' made from CO2 could pave the way for food
without farming
New Scientist, September 2024
A new type of dietary fat that doesn’t require animals
or large areas of land to produce could soon be on sale in the US as
researchers and entrepreneurs race to develop the first “synthetic”
US start-up Savor has created a “butter” product made
from carbon, in a thermochemical system closer to fossil fuel
processing than food production. “There is no biology involved in our
specific process,” says Kathleen Alexander from the firm.
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