Integrity Research Institute


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Oct 9-10, 2009

 The  Washington Hilton Hotel

In This Issue
1. Electrotherapy Magnetic and Electric Impulses Treat Depression
2. New Energy and Antigravity are to be Promoted by Gen. James Jones (Ret)
3. Antigravity Evolves from Electrogravitics and Subquantum Kinetics - Book Review
4. Hopes for Cold Fusion are Revived with Neutron Tracks
5. The 2009 Advanced Colloquium on Lattice-assisted Nuclear Reactions
6. Renewable Energy Storage Conference - November 2009
Dear Subscriber,

Future Energy is specifically oriented toward the future, so many discoveries and news items may seem a little hard to comprehend to the uninitiated. This is certainly true for the intriguing area of "antigravity" which is really a catch phrase for any propulsion or thrust-producing invention that hasn't been fully understood. Most of the discoveries or theories in this area do not have the connotation of a negative or repulsive reaction to gravity for example. However, with that explanation, the news items on antigravity in this eNews are worth your review. In that regard, the invited presentation by Dr. Brad Edwards from on the Space Elevator at our upcoming Conference on Future Energy, October 9-10, 2009 is also an antigravity invention! See his breathtaking 1000 foot vertical test of the space elevator at:   and related story at:
 and register today for COFE3 ! Take advantage of our discounted prices if you register before August 31, 2009.
 Thomas Valone, PhD
1. High-Tech Depression Treatments: Magnetic & Electrical Impulses "Shock" Brain Into Near-Normal Function
Robert J. Hedaya MD, FAPA
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Sidney H. Kennedy, FRCPC, MBBS, MD
University Health Network

Special from Bottom Line's Daily Health News
March 10, 2009
I've written several stories recently about depression, largely because new research shows that it is not only a growing public health problem, affecting at least 25 million Americans at some time in their lives, but also because 170 million prescriptions -- amazingly, more than for blood pressure medications -- are now filled annually for the treatment of depression. I'm not alone in my conviction that it is important to recognize that depression often relates to anxieties and fears that need to be resolved in order to feel better (see Daily Health News, January 27, 2009, for more on this topic). However, it's also evident that a significant number of patients -- 30% or more, according to some experts -- suffer what's known as "treatment-resistant depression," with symptoms so severe that psychotherapy, drug therapy and other standard modalities don't help and they find themselves virtually unable to work or leave the house. There are some new approaches that may offer relief to at least some sufferers.

According to Robert J. Hedaya, MD, DFAPA, clinical professor of psychiatry at the Georgetown University School of Medicine and founder of the Hedaya Clinic and National Center for Whole Psychiatry in Chevy Chase, Maryland, these new approaches represent welcome change. In his view, treatment approaches have thus far been too narrow and limited given that known causes of depression vary widely, from hormonal and nutritional deficiencies and immune dysfunction to infection, genetic susceptibility and dysfunction in the brain... not to mention stressors, such as loss or trauma and socio-economic factors, including poverty and isolation. It makes sense, then, that there would be a wide variety of outcomes for virtually any therapy, depending on the underlying causes for a particular individual.

Two new treatment approaches utilize different modalities to stimulate an underactive area of the brain, in the hope that doing so will reduce depressive symptoms when other therapies have not been helpful.

The FDA recently approved a new device, called The NeuroStar Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy system, which delivers very strong, targeted magnetic impulses to a specific area of the brain. The theory is that people with severe depression don't have normal activity in certain parts of their brain -- these pulses are intended to generate activity there, somewhat like a jump start.

Treatment with TMS is very straightforward: The patient sits in a comfortable, reclining chair while a technician positions the magnet to a precise location over his/her head -- once in position, the device fires a rapid series of focused magnetic impulses into the brain. The treatment can be noisy, but doesn't involve any cutting or injection of substance into the brain, so in and of itself, it is not painful. However, some patients feel some discomfort on the scalp and others report a headache that may last for hours following treatment. Each treatment lasts 40 minutes, and it's typically administered daily for four to six weeks. In a study conducted by the manufacturer, 54% of the 43 patients with treatment-resistant depression who were tested experienced a 50% improvement after six weeks of treatment and 33% experienced full remission of symptoms
Downsides? Not many beyond the possibility of headaches, really -- although the follow-up period noted in the FDA study only lasted six months, and as a new treatment, long-term efficacy is still being tracked. The FDA-approved therapy is so new that it isn't widely available, and the procedure (which can cost $5,000 to $10,000 or more over the course of treatment) currently isn't covered by insurance. For more information on where TMS might be available, check the Web site at

The second device, still in the experimental phases, uses a stronger and more focused electrical impulse. Known as deep brain stimulation (DBS), this technique works in a similar way as an implanted pacemaker that regulates heartbeat in a cardiac patient. With DBS, tiny electrical wires snaked into the brain deliver a continuous flow of electricity that stimulates a particular part of the brain (what's known as the "depression circuit"). This form of treatment has been used extensively for Parkinson's patients, where DBS to a different brain area brings relief from symptoms such as tremors and dystonia. When some of those patients also experienced a notable improvement in mood, it led to the thinking that DBS might be helpful for people suffering from treatment-resistant depression.
DBS results have thus far been encouraging -- 60% of patients in one recent study (20 patients total), conducted at University Health Network, had a positive response that was sustained for the year they were followed. Other studies have found the effect lasted as long as the device remained in place, and anecdotal evidence suggests that when the devices are removed or turned off, the depression eventually returns.

I spoke with Sidney Kennedy, MD, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at University Health Network in Canada, one of the researchers currently studying DBS. He described DBS implantation as a relatively minor procedure. Using MRI for guidance, fine wires are threaded into a precise region of the brain. As with a cardiac pacemaker, a battery-operated transmitter is put in the chest, near the collarbone. It is activated by a magnet and remains constantly "on," though it can be turned off or removed, if desired.

Downsides? This is still surgery -- small holes are drilled into the skull to allow the wires to be inserted, so it carries the usual list of associated risks: bleeding, infection, reactions to anesthesia, and so on. If the surgery is a success the ongoing risks seem to be minor, though long-term studies still need to be done. At present, several randomized controlled studies are underway. Dr. Kennedy estimated it will be several years before DBS is widely available.


As Dr. Hedaya and Dr. Kennedy both point out, these treatments give doctors a few more tools to use for treatment-resistant depression, but they're far from mainstream and will never be used casually. If you're interested in learning more, talk to your doctor about whether or not TMS makes sense for you. Or, look for a clinical trial of DBS through the National Institutes of Health's clinical trials Web site, or at

 Sidney H. Kennedy, FRCPC, MBBS, MD, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at University Health Network.
Robert J. Hedaya MD, DFAPA, Hedaya Clinic and National Center for Whole Psychiatry, Chevy Chase, Maryland, and clinical professor of psychiatry, Georgetown University School of Medicine.
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2. New Energy and Antigravity to be Promoted by General James Jones
 Michael Salla, PhD, Baltimore Examiner, January 19, 2009
General James L. Jones, Jr., USMC (Ret.)The first 100 days of an Obama administration promise a number of bold initiatives aiming to reinvigorate the U.S. economy and restore America's international image. Key personnel in the Obama administration have been appointed to implement and ensure the success of such initiatives. Among these initiatives is the anticipated release of classified technologies based on antigravity propulsion principles that can revolutionize the energy and aerospace industries. Obama's National Security Advisor, retired Marine General James Jones, will feature prominently in the releases of antigravity technologies and associated initiatives.   

Gen. James Jones, (Ret)

Classified antigravity technologies have been kept from the public realm for over six decades while secretly developed by military-corporate entities. It was revealed in 1992, for example, that the B-2 Bomber used electrostatic charges on its leading wings and exhaust.  According to aerospace experts, this was confirmation that the B-2 used electrogravitic principles based on the Biefeld-Brown Effect.  The Biefeld-Brown Effect is based on the research of Thomas Townsend Brown who in 1928 gained a patent for his practical application of how high voltage electrostatic charges can reduce the weight of objects.

The Biefeld Brown Effect
The B-2 bomber employs sufficiently high voltages to significantly reduce its weight. This enables the B-2 and other classified antigravity vehicles to
display flight characteristics that appear to defy conventional laws of physics. 
The key Obama appointee for introducing antigravity technology into the public sector is General Jones. After retiring from the Marines on February 1, 2007, General Jones served on the Board of Directors of the Boeing Corporation from June 21, 2007 to December 15, 2008. Boeing had been active at least since the early 1990's in studies to apply antigravity technology for commercial use.
In 2002, an internal Boeing project called "Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion" (GRASP) had been disclosed to the aerospace industry. A GRASP briefing document obtained by Jane's Defense Weekly stated Boeing's position: "If gravity modification is real, it will alter the entire aerospace business."
According to a 2008 book by Dr Paul LaViolette, Secrets of Antigravity Technology, Boeing completed a separate classified study for the U.S. military of electrogravitic propulsion recently before October 2007. Boeing was rebuffed in its efforts to have such technology declassified and released into the public sector. As a Board Director and member of Boeing's Finance Committee at the time of the 2007 classified study, General Jones was privy to and supported Boeing's efforts in antigravity research and development.
At the same time that Boeing was actively seeking to develop antigravity technologies for a new generation of aircraft, Jones became President of the Institute for 21st Century Energy. The Institute was created by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce with the following mission:

To secure America's long-term energy security, America must reexamine outdated and entrenched positions, become better informed about the sources of our fuel and power, and make judgments based on facts, sound science, and good American common sense.
As Obama's National Security Advisor, General Jones will be well placed to ensure that "new energy ideas" become integrated into a comprehensive national security policy by the Obama administration. He can be expected to encourage the development and release of new energy ideas that can truly lead the U.S. into the 21st Century. The first 100 days of the Obama administration will therefore witness significant progress towards practical commercial applications of antigravity technologies.

Supporting Article
Anti-gravity and US
Australia, the UK, Anti-Gravity and the Iraq Crisis
by Malcolm Street, Canberra, The Sydney Morning Herald, January 28, 2003
Webdiarist Malcolm Street has a unique theory on why Britain and Australia are backing Bush on Iraq. Welcome to the anti-gravity arms race.

Are you sitting down? Good, because this is going to blow your mind.

This item is going to sound like a bad reject from conspiracy publications like Nexus or New Dawn, or an X-Files fanzine. It isn't. The indisputable fact is that both the US and the UK are putting serious money into anti-gravity research with military aerospace applications. The only question is how far it is from operational status. There is informed speculation that it is already used in the American B2 bomber.

I believe that access to this potentially revolutionary and obviously highly secret technology, perhaps via the JSF/F35 fighter program, could be behind the otherwise (in my view) inexplicable level of support given Bush over Iraq by Howard and Blair.
For the record I am a mechanical engineer who spent over two years at a British Aerospace guided missile R&D site in the early 1980s and have continued to take a strong interest in aerospace technology. I am a member of ASRI (Australian Space Research Institute). I am not a crank.

The most puzzling aspect to me of the American obsession with invading Iraq even without UN sanction is the continuing support provided by Tony Blair and John Howard. The USA's reason is obvious; to gain control of a major oil supply as insurance against increasing instability in Saudi Arabia. (If it's about human rights and weapons of mass destruction, why the kid gloves treatment of North Korea?)

One could stretch to say that Blair has the interests of BP and the half-British Shell oil companies, but if it comes to a vote in the Commons he could well be rolled. However nothing apart from blind loyalty seems to explain the support given by Australia, and even with a conservative government there are rumblings from Howard's back benches and a population largely opposed.

So why are Blair and Howard, both consumate political operators, taking such a huge political risk for a war that no-one but the Americans want, which could destroy the structure of international law and result in both the UK and Australia becoming international pariahs?

My hypothesis is the supply of information from the United States that is so secret it is only known to the very highest levels of government and is of such strategic importance that it is worth taking such risks.

My initial thoughts were that the US was blackmailing both leaders over continued supply of intelligence information gained from the Echelon system via the UKASA agreement. But that could have been done at any time over the last couple of decades. However, the current timescale however coincides interestingly with the crucial development phase of the F35/JSF fighter aircraft program...

The JSF (Joint Strike Fighter), which is front-runner to replace the RAAF's F-18s and F-111s in what would be our largest ever defence order, is quite unlike any previous supersonic US fighter project available for foreign allies. Unlike the earlier F104 Starfighter and F16 Falcon programs, there will be no generalised offset agreements, by which foreign manufacturers will be able to supply components to the whole program. Technology transfer in the JSF will be very tightly controlled, with only the UK (developing a version to replace the Harrier jump-jet) so far as an inner partner.

Australia is trying hard to get on board, with (according to a local TV news item some months ago) three firms in Canberra alone tendering for parts of the project.

There is a precedent for Australia sucking up to a larger power in the hopes of gaining access to its advanced weapons technology; the agreement given to conduct British nuclear tests on Australian territory in the 1950s in the hope of getting transfers of British atomic bomb technology. (See Dr Wayne Reynolds' book "Australia's bid for the Atomic Bomb"). In turn a major theme of this book is the use the UK made of its own program as a bargaining chip to get access to US atomic technology.

The July 2002 issue of the British magazine Air International had an article entitled "JSF UK - more than just an aircraft" by one Robert Hewson which deals with the JSF program, particularly the extensive participation of British companies (notably BAe Systems and Rolls-Royce) in its development: 
"One reason the US is keeping such a tight hold over the industrial elements of the JSF is the thorny issue of "stealth" and how to control access to the classified stealth technologies which are built into every aspect of the JSF design. The US and UK have a special (and classified) agreement that allows the two countries to share data on common stealth research, but all other discussion of the subject is closed. The question of how the US will supply this sensitive set of technologies to other JSF customers goes unanswered - but the underlying message is that the US is reluctant to do so and that somehow there will be different standards in JSF "stealthiness" between friends, good friends and others."
So we know there is a sweetheart classified deal between the US and UK over stealth technology in the JSF, and that apparently the full stealth technology will not be supplied to outside customers. Why couldn't it cover other highly classified technology as well? What if this other US-UK technology was so revolutionary that the inner partners' versions of the JSF would have a massive advantage over anything else in the air for years to come, something that could give them a colossal and unassailable strategic advantage, as great as, perhaps, the atomic bomb?

There is such a technology on the horizon: anti-gravity. Yes you read that right! Both the US and UK are publicly running research programs investigating anti-gravity under such headings as "propellantless propulsion". The UK effort, run by BAe Systems, is called Project Greenglow (see bbc for an overview), while in the US Boeing is running an anti-gravity program in its Phantom Works (Boeing's equivalent of Lockheed's legendary Skunk Works) in Seattle (see janes). In addition, NASA is looking into overlapping areas under the "Breakthrough Propulsion Physics" project (home page nasa). (An interesting selection of links on anti-gravity links, albeit with the odd crank, can be found at eskimo).
How far away is anti-gravity technology? It may already be operating...

Towards the end of an otherwise routine article on aircraft propulsion in Air International in January 2000, reprinted at aeronautics, well-known and highly respected aviation writer Bill Gunston speculated that the American Northrop B-2 Spirit heavy bomber already uses some form of anti-gravity technology:
"I have numerous documents, all published openly in the United States, which purport to explain how the B-2 is even stranger - far, far stranger - than it appears. Most are articles published in commercial magazines, some are openly published US Patents, while a few are open USAF publications by Wright Aeronautical Laboratory and Air Force Systems Command's Astronautics Laboratory. They deal with such topics as electric-field propulsion, and electrogravitics (or anti-gravity), the transient alteration of not only thrust but also a body's weight. Sci-Fi has nothing on this stuff."

What really put the cat among the proverbial pigeons was a feature published in a March 1992 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology, entitled "Black world engineers, scientists, encourage using highly classified technology for civil applications". For the first time in open literature, this article explained how the B-2's sharp leading edge is charged to "many millions of volts", while the corresponding negative charge is blown out in the jets from the four engines.

"Take-off thrust of the [B2 engine] F118- 100 at sea level is given as '19,000lb (84.5kN) class' by Northrop Grumman and as '17,300lb (77.0kN)' by the USAF. These are startlingly low figures for an aircraft whose take-off weight is said to be 336,5001b (152,635kg) and which was until recently said to weigh 376,0001b (170,550kg). Aircraft usually get heavier over the years, not 20 tones [sic] lighter. Even at the supposed reduced weight, the ratio of thrust to weight is a mere 0.2, an extraordinarily low value for a combat aircraft."
In other words, Gunston is implying that the B2 is seriously underpowered unless there is some means of reducing its mass or of increasing its lift beyond that provided by conventional aerodynamic means.

"Other writers have commented on the size of the B-2 wing and noted that its stealth depends on the huge black skin being made of RAM (radar-absorbent material). This, say the physicists, is 'a high-k, high-density dielectric ceramic, capable of generating an enormous electrogravitic lift force when charged'."
So is this why the B2s cost US$1 billion each?

Gunston's article is controversial, (an interesting discussion on it in the rec.aviation.military Internet newsgroup is archived at google under the title "B-2A and electrogravity") but there is a precedent for a radical, cost-is-no-object, highly classified US military aircraft using two major sets of new technologies, one secret and the other VERY secret.

The legendary Lockheed A12/SR71 "Blackbird" reconnaissance aircraft was increasingly declassified in the late 70s/early 80s, with major details released on the structural and propulsion technologies that enabled that incredible aircraft, one of the great masterpieces of aeronautical engineering, to cruise at Mach 3. What wasn't declassified until several years later, long after the F117 stealth fighter had been unveiled, was the fact that it was also a stealth design! While stealth took second place to speed, the fact was that stealth elements were a major factor in the airframe configuration, design of which dated back to the late 1950s, twenty years before stealth technology was even mentioned by the US government.

Another example is the even more legendary North American P-51 Mustang fighter of World War 2. For years its outstanding performance was explained by its "laminar flow" wing technology (also used in the B24 Liberator bomber).

Shortly before former senior manager and engineer at North American Aviation, Lee Atwood, died a few years ago he wrote articles for a couple of aircraft magazines (see, for example, airspacemag) giving the real explanation. Using a phenomenon known as the "Meredith Effect", the Mustang's characteristic under-fuselage duct for the engine's radiator was so shaped internally that the heat from the radiator converted it into, effectively, a low-temperature ramjet, thrust from which at high speeds offset most of the drag produced by the radiator in the first place! Not even the servicing crews knew that this was the true function of the duct design!

We know that the JSF/F35 will incorporate a high degree of stealth, like the B-2, with the degree of stealth apparently varying between inner and outer customers. However, stealth is relatively old-hat; the F117, the first stealth aircraft, turns up regularly at air shows, much of the US 70s and 80s stealth program has been declassified and the general principles, if not specific applications, of stealth technology are now well-known in the unclassified world. I can't see it being worth risking the fall of the UK or Australian governments.

So are Howard and Blair playing a very high-stakes game to gain access to a revolutionary military technology more secret, more important, than stealth, one that's perhaps being pioneered on the US-only B-2? Like anti-gravity technology only available to the select inner partners of the JSF/F35 program? And has the US threatened to boot them out if they don't toe the Bush line on Iraq?

For Further Information       
See Dr. Paul LaViolette's new book, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Inner Tradition, 2008, available online from or click on book below to order.   -- Ed note antigrvity
3. Antigravity Evolves from Electrogravitics and Subquantum Kinetics
Book Review by Thomas Valone, PhD, PE  -  reprinted from Infinite Energy magazine, 2009
Starting with a detailed review of electrogravitics and the life of T. Townsend Brown, Dr. Paul LaViolette's book, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (Bear & Company, 2008) offers a wonderfully informative description of the science of propulsion generators. Paul tends to use the terms "antigravity" and "electrogravitics" quite liberally, even when other terms might be more precise. However, the phenomena that is reviewed in his book, such as the 2200 newton per kilowatt thrust generated by T.T. Brown's best high voltage discs in his report, "Electrohydrodynamics" are quite impressive. Also interesting are the details about Brown's later life research into petrovoltaics that include graphs of the spontaneous voltage (about 300 mV) developed continuously over a nine-day period. Paul is careful to include corroboration when available, such as the Physical Review paper by Dr. Elmer Harrington from the National Bureau of Standards that confirms Brown's effects on gravitational acceleration and heat generation in rocks.
Paul also includes probably the most scientific review of the Philadelphia Experiment in print today along with the possibility that T.T. Brown participated in the event and how it might have been orchestrated. He includes, for example, a summary of Jim and Ken Corum's experiments with high-amperage coils around a steel torus that produced a fivefold reduction in radar reflection and a review of the Hutchison Effect. The evolution of antigravity research into the black world is given plausible reality with the evidence provided by several black ops interviews also in the book, as well as quotes from engineering articles.
While the book returns periodically to T.T. Brown and the asymmetric capacitors that gave the term "electrogravitics" its birth, the description of the Lafforgue patent developing longitudinal thrust is an added intrigue. Many readers may be familiar with Paul's article on the electrogravitics properties of the B-2 bomber that used to be in my book, Electrogravitics Systems, Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology, until it was recalled for its inclusion in his new book. However, in Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion a lot more detail is revealed making the B-2 electrification even more convincing. A French astrophysicist proposes the visible luminosity of the craft as proof that it was being excited by a high-voltage field. Even an online movie and color stills in possession of Northrop Grumman are documented that provide evidence of the high voltage glow. With information about an AC microwave excitation mode, LaViolette makes the case for a 40,000 newton per kilowatt thrust with a million volt potential for the B-2 thrusters, enough to explain the rumored no-fuel flight around the world.
Probably the most exciting chapter for me was the Chapter 6 description of the Podkletnov-Modanese electrogravitics impulse generator. It was reported in the Jane's Defense Weekly to knock over a set of books at one kilometer distance with a negligible power loss even hundreds of kilometers away. Paul predicted from his subquantum kinetic theory that the gravity impulse generator should have no recoil, which was then confirmed by Professor Podkletnov. His description of the increased punch from a faster rise time Marx generator seems quite credible from my research into the electrokinetic equation developed by Jefimenko, which has the same feature and the same polarity toward the positive pole. However, Paul forgot to mention the most compelling civilian application for the Podkletnov gravity impulse generator, which is for planetary protection from killer near-earth-orbit (NEO) objects. Enough evidence is presented in the book to show that such a generator can maintain a collimated and coherent force beam for miles with enough pressure to perhaps nudge a large object away from a collision course.
The book also includes a review of the historic Project Skyvault which is introduced by a black ops informant, as the first source of information that Paul received about it. It makes the case for an electrogravitics force developed from nonlinear materials exposed to microwaves, as well as an interesting description of phase conjugated mirror effects. One example given is the FASER research performed by Obolensky in the author's presence over a period of two years which also included a runaway experiment that exploded under resonant conditions.
Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion includes a brief review of the John Searl research as well as the recent Russian experiments attempting to reproduce his work. Paul also includes the gravity theories of Bob Lazar who reportedly worked at Area 51 S-4 for a few months and several UFO stories that help identify the expected effects from a downward-directed force beam.
With a large Appendix full of resource material, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion is a compelling book that opens the world of scientific electrogravity research to the average reader. My hope is that the AIAA will offer a correction errata sheet in its new book, Frontiers of Propulsion Science by Eric Davis and Marc Millis which presently dismisses the years of electrogravitics covered in Paul's book with its own terse chapter containing a single, paultry negative experimental report of a "null effect." Inertial propulsion is also given similar treatment in the Davis-Millis book but omitted entirely from Paul's book, even though my non-profit institute publishes an Inertial Propulsion Patent Collection report with over 100 patents that the PTO says develop a force from a mechanical device. Sooner or later the truth will emerge, as much of it has in the latest masterful work on antigravity propulsion by Dr. Paul LaViolette.     
4. Neutron Tracks Revive Hopes for Cold Fusion

New Scientist, 23 March 2009 by Colin Barras
Twenty years to the day that two electrochemists ignited controversy by announcing signs of cold fusion at an infamous press conference in Utah (watch a video of the 1989 event), a separate team has made a similar claim in the same US state. But this time, the evidence is being taken more seriously.

Back in 1989, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons at the University of Utah announced the tantalising prospect of abundant, almost-free energy, but their claims of fusion reactions in a tabletop experiment were dismissed by nuclear physicists, not least because such reactions normally occur inside stars. The small quantity of extra energy they found was widely considered a fluke or the result of experimental error.
Now Pamela Mosier-Boss and colleagues at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) in San Diego, California, are claiming to have made a "significant" discovery - clear evidence of the products of cold fusion.

On 23 March, the team presented its work at the American Chemical Society's spring conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, a few months after the study was published in a peer-reviewed journal (Naturwissenschaft, DOI: 10.1007/s00114-008-0449-x).
cold fusion
Plastic fantastic
Using a similar experimental setup to Fleischmann and Pons, the researchers found the "tracks" left behind by high-energy neutrons, which, they suggest, emerge from the fusion of a deuterium and tritium atom.

The team used a low-tech particle detector: a plastic called CR-39 that is otherwise used for spectacle lenses. When CR-39 is bombarded with subatomic charged particles, a small pit forms in the material with each impact.

The researchers placed a sample of CR-39 in contact with a gold or nickel cathode in an electrochemical cell filled with a mixture of palladium chloride, lithium chloride and deuterium oxide (D2O), so-called "heavy water". When a current was passed through the cell, palladium and deuterium became deposited on the cathode.

Triple tracks

After two to three weeks, the team found a small number of "triple tracks" in the plastic - three 8-micrometre-wide pits radiating from a point (see diagram, top right). The team says such a pattern occurs when a high-energy neutron strikes a carbon atom inside the plastic and shatters it into three charged alpha particles that rip through the plastic leaving tracks. No such tracks were seen if the experiment was repeated using normal rather than heavy water.

Johan Frenje at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an expert at interpreting CR-39 tracks produced in conventional high-temperature fusion reactions, says the team's interpretation of what produced the tracks is valid.

"I must say that the data and their analysis seem to suggest that energetic neutrons have been produced," he says, although he would like to see the results confirmed quantitatively.

More controversial is the team's suggestion for the process that produced the neutrons. High-energy neutrons are unlikely to be produced by a normal chemical reaction, says Mosier-Boss. So, it's possible, she says, they are created during the fusion of deuterium and tritium atoms tightly packed in palladium framework at the cathode. The tritium also being a product of the fusion of two deuterium atoms.

Some researchers in the cold fusion field agree. "In my view [it's] a cold fusion effect," says Peter Hagelstein, also at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Alternative theory
Others, though, are not convinced. Steven Krivit, editor of the New Energy Times, has been following the cold fusion debate for many years and also spoke at the ACS conference. "Their hypothesis as to a fusion mechanism I think is on thin ice ... you get into physics fantasies rather quickly and this is an unfortunate distraction from their excellent empirical work," he told New Scientist.

Krivit thinks cold fusion remains science fiction. Like many in the field, he prefers to categorise the work as evidence of "low energy nuclear reactions", and says it can be explained without relying on nuclear fusion.

In 2006, Allan Widom at Northeastern University in Boston and Lewis Larsen of Lattice Energy, LLC, suggested that the key to the process was oscillating surface plasmons - waves of energy rippling through electrons on the surface of the electrode.
They said that the rough surface of the palladium on the electrode focuses the energy into small pits, where it can be transferred to a single electron. The high-energy electron can then shoot into the nucleus of a nearby deuterium atom and combine with a proton to release a neutron and a neutrino (European Physical Journal C, DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s2006-02479-8).

"Electrons and protons don't have trouble attracting," Widom told New Scientist, and he says the explanation conforms to the Standard Model of particle physics. He speculates that this theory could explain instances of exploding laptop batteries, and could be harnessed as an energy source - something Larsen's company hopes to commercialise.
Journal reference: Naturwissenschaft (DOI: 10.1007/s00114-008-0449-x)

Related story from IEEE Spectrum
5. 2009 Advance Colloquium on Lattice-assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR)

The Science and Technology of Deuterated Metals, Engineering and Devices 
Saturday, June 20, 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

 Meeting Accommodations

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6. 4th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference

IRES 2009
November 24-25, 2009, Berlin, Germany
Call for papers

The global potentials of Renewable Energy enable us to achieve an all-encompassing substitution for fossil fuels and atomic energy in the fields of heat, electricity and mobility.

This substitution, which entails the full exploitation of Renewable Energies, requires on the one hand, power grids and grid management tailored to the needs of Renewable Energy generation in relation to the demand for energy and taking into account the mix of complementary, available Renewable Energies, and on the other hand, the storage of heat and electricity for different periods of time, applications areas and performances.

Ground breaking opportunities will thereby emerge for the dynamic exploitation of Renewable Energies in manifold energy-autonomous forms, in residential construction and by and for enterprises, residential developments, cities, regions and countries. Herein also lies the chance of achieving numerous technological innovations along with new prospects for the industries.

In October 2006, EUROSOLAR and the World Council for Renewable Energy started the first of a new international conference series themed "International Renewable Energy Storage Conference" (IRES). It is intended to contribute to the developments in energy storage and to publicize their application. More than 1000 experts from around the globe have attended the IRES-conference series so far. After the huge success of the first three events the 4th conference will take place in Berlin/Germany, November 24-25, 2009

You are invited to submit brief descriptions addressing the following topics:

- Electrochemical, electrostatic, electromechanical, electrodynamic, chemical, thermal and thermochemical storage solutions for heat, electricity and mobility

- Storage systems for stationary and mobile applications and how they are connected to the power grid

- Hybrid and combined Renewable Energy power plants and smart grid concepts

- Realised storage systems and the experiences gained from their operation

- Business and cost models for the operation of storage systems and hybrid and combined Renewable Energy power plants
- The need for storage capacity - scenarios and estimations for all application areas

- Concepts and solutions for a complete autonomous Renewable Energy provision, from buildings and settlements to regions and countries

Projects can also be presented through posters at the conference location. (Poster size A0). There will be a special poster session during the conference that will give all poster presenters the opportunity to explain their projects and work to the conference attendees.

Please send us a brief description of your speech/poster presentation (maximum1 page plus 2  optional pages with charts and diagrams) until the May 31, 2009 either in English or German to the following address:

EUROSOLAR e.V., Kaiser- Friedrich- Str. 11, 53113 Bonn, Tel.: 0228-362373, Fax: 0228-361279 or email us at:

All submissions should include:

- The title of your presentation
- Your full name and postal address, phone/fax/email address and possibly a contact person in case of inquiries
-  An abstract of your presentation
-  Results and conclusions/résumé


- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, Title in capital letters
-  Single line spacing
- Word (.doc) or PDF-file

Contact person:
Valentin Hollain, Scientific Advisor
Ph. +49 228 -362373
Fax +49 228 -361279

Once the deadline for submissions has passed, the abstracts submitted will be evaluated by the program committee based on content, form, and suitability for the event. The program committee has full authority to reject any proposal. Furthermore, the decision of the program committee is final. The submissions and their contents will be treated confidentially until the proposal has been accepted. The evaluations will be kept in strict confidence, and will only be made available to members of the program committee.
IRES 2009
The European Association for Renewable Energy
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 11
D-53113 Bonn/Germany
Ph. +49 228 -362373 and -362375
Fax +49 228 -361279 and -361213
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